Sock Madness 2 (round 1) is history! I finished my socks in about 20 hours of knitting time and am definitely moving on to round 2. Round 2 won't start for several days so I can work on some other stuff in the meantime.
What is Sock Madness you ask? A sock knitting competition/tournament loosely based on basketball's March Madness. A new sock pattern is released to all competitors simultaneously. We knit the sock. The first to finish move on to the next round. There are 4 divisions and for the first round, the first 40 finishers in each division advance. I am finisher #5 in my division. I expect it will be several days, maybe a week or more, before the next round begins. For round 1 the pattern is called Zombie and I knit it in Colinette Jitterbug in one of their green colorways. It is a rather charming sock and it was fun to knit. I was concerned that I wouldn't have enough yarn but I finished with just a few yards left.