W & I have returned from our yearly winter trip to Puerto Rico. Have no doubt, it was wonderful time.
We spent the first two days in Rincon, on the beach, sunning, reading, and taking it easy.

This lighthouse in Rincon is situated in a very nice waterfront park. We strolled around, took pictures, and read our books. There were less than 5 people in the park while we were there so it felt as if we were in our own back yard - I wish!
The remainder of our time in Puerto Rico was spent with the Princess. She just turned 5 so we celebrated her birthday by taking her shopping for a new outfit and then to see the movie, Hotel for Dogs. She had a great time!
Grandpa most enjoyed the beach time with her - and we spent quite a few hours there as we were staying just steps away from the beach.

We had a couple free hours before we needed to be at the airport so we headed to yet another beach and one of our favorites - the quiet, deserted beach at Pinones where the only sound was the waves.

All too quickly it was time to return home. Our souvenirs are our wonderful memories and the anticipation of time together again.